Notes from the outside

I have lost contact with my physical body, the alternative, to get back inside is certainly absurd right now, i guess i have to wait until it - well yes, it! I don't know what else to call it - decides to let me in. It's not really that bad, like living in the forest, dancing with the nymphs, pondering about my mortal life, sometimes I look in, you know, through the windows, just to see the progress. Here outside everything seems to have slowed down, as just before a crash, where you can see everything in detail and you know what is going on, but have no actual understanding of the impact it's going to have on your life, so I wait as the wheels inside my brain turns, floating at the outer limits of my sanity...

fredag 12 mars 2010

The Sicilian approach to life

It's the horses I think, jumping around, you can never trust the horses, sometimes I see them in my dreams telling me what my unconsciousness wants to bring forth, translating the meaning of the pretty pictures, the psychology of art. But I am no Vygotskij, and I swim in my ignorance like a heroin addict, tripping on the bliss of the unknown...

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